I already have a list, which is ongoing, as I find I don't stick well to deadlines as day to day life has a way of throwing a spanner in the works. As a result of the wonderful conversations there, I thought I'd post my list here in the hope that others may also find inspiration.
Please let me know if you start or go back to an existing list you have as a result - I'd love to know how far this idea spreads!
Mine is as follows. Purple = done, blue = work in progress, green = ongoing or stuff to be done on a regular basis, brown = no longer applicable
- Complete the first instalment of a story I'm writing
- Declutter for 15 minutes a day
- Have a garage sale once enough has been decluttered
- Get down to 70Kg and see how I feel healthwise (I'm in the 80's at the moment but have already lost 10Kg and feel fantastic)
Visit family in Sydney (6 hours' drive away)Have my car servicedApply for the job I really REALLY want until I'm self sufficient (wasn't successful but that just gives me more time to work on my stuff!)- Pay more into my superannuation
- Practise being less judgemental
- Get the tarot deck that's been in my head for nearly a decade now, out into the world
- Create arty notebooks to sell
- Create my 2x e-courses that are currently swirling in my brain
- Reclaim my side garden along my driveway
- Reclaim my veggie garden and give away cuttings, excess herbs, etc This will happen when the plovers currently sitting on eggs in my backyard have moved on
- Start focusing on bringing MY house to me instead of renting
- Pass Cert III Graphic Design
- Pass Cert IV Graphic Design
- Pass my Diploma Graphic Design
- Have people to dinner every 6 weeks
- Give blood
- Recommence belly dance on October 19
- Participate regularly in Goddess Circle
- Set up my home office desk
- Art journal regularly
- Visit Melbourne
- Visit Brisbane
- Visit Cairns
Visit Canberra- Do fun stuff with my daughter monthly
- Knit from stash
- Create my version of a mermaid in my art journal with the mermaid poem in the 30 days of Goddess folder
- Set up invoices in Freshbooks
- Do website course
- Finish Bookkeeping course
- Do marketing course
Join more interest groups on social media- Art! Do more whenever possible
- Trim bushes along driveway
- Take a trip to Brown Bros winery @ Milawa for a meal with someone whose company I enjoy
- Check out Social Oomph
- Work out a budget and how much I need to earn each month in order to give up one and then both of my day jobs using Leonie's Magic Money Making Kit
- Create my free thing to offer people that's also going around in my head
- Visit a good friend of mine in Newcastle
Have dinner with a very handsome man who I just met up with again after a decade or so- Search for the purple flower I have in my minds' eye which is my medicine for facing fear and paint it
- Paint my "Kali belly"
- Paint Kali and I standing on the mountaintop together
- Hands painting with Astrology saying
- Anticipation - figure out how I paint it and do it
- Get started on golf logo
- Finish my "Style Statement" exercises
Add a "What I'm reading/listening to" section on my blog http://thewitchofbegavalleyshire.blogspot.com.au/- Get my passport
- Do a Nadgee Nature Reserve trek
- Catch up with said handsome man again and go camping/stay at his place when he moves in November (beforehand if it's good for him)
- Generate passive income
- Catch up with family in Sydney
- Visit Canberra
- Create sunflower and daisies artwork
- Create my "solace" artwork after working out how to portray yummy smelly stuff (?incense smoke)
- Finish a logo for a friend
- Create a friends' weebly website
- Blog about why bellydance means so much to me
- Develop workshop
- Blog about my style statement/personal brand
- Record meditations for those I've promised them to
- Attract more like-minded people into my life
- Read Meet and Grow Rich!
- Get my copy of "A Witch Alone" back off a friend
- Plant my purple daisies along the drive
- Go to the Toulouse-Lautrec exhibition at the National Gallery when it arrives
- Do the stone sculpture course down in Bendigo in 2013
- Learn as much as possible from the silent retreat I'm attending in November and make a concerted effort to put it into practice on a daily basis
- Complete the "How to Start a Blog That Matters" course
- Use the Decision Matrix to decide what to commence first as far as my e-biz is concerned
- Add Twitter cards to my site/s
- Put "Selling and Marketing Your Art" into action
- Complete the "How to Start a Blog That Matters" course
- Look into the "Renaissance Business" book by Emilie Wapnick
- Explore Rosemary Frythe as an author
- Design a Twitter Header image (and perhaps use that as my header in whichever website I decide will be my one and only)
- Book into the Stone sculpture workshop I want to do next year
- Get my head around "A Marketer's Guide to Nailing Timing and Frequency of Social Media Updates"
- Investigate "The 7 Graces Global Community" webring (haven't head of a webring for years and years!)
- Think about offering a free sample re: "Flock" (flock.magpie-girl.com)
- Do Flock lesson and meditation
- Use Synchroblog topics to post if I can't think of anything myself
- Add a "must read" list to my blog
- Complete the "Triple My Traffic" ebook (print out up to and including p7 first)
- Blog about Aileen giving us irises and Astrid connecting with people
- Blog about Vicki and knitting group
- Check out how to use Pinterest for business
- Paint "I Commit to Myself and my Dream"
- Contemplate who my muses are. My Muse of Connecting to others is Astrid
- Decide whether the List-A-Palooza Kit is for me
- Implement the "How to Use Google Analytics" article
- Create glorious stationary for me to use in my planning
- Roots blog post
- Get up enough courage to see if I can interview Kate Swoboda about courage! :D
- Look into guest posting on other people's blogs
- Blog about not having failed at anything
- Blog post about "conventional wisdom"
- Create a connection point
- Research podcasts
- Research Ning and see if it's for me, as well as alternatives
- Develop sales pages and FAQ's
- Research e-junkie
- Develop "Tips" sheet
- Offer trials in return for feedback and testimony
- Develop coaching sales page
- Explore itty biz
- Continue Business Goddess ebook
- Look into the Organic Sister program
- Set up an affiliate program
- Listen to Monday Meditation
- Talk to Karie Hill about financial coaching
Jeff and Kane webinar- Adobe Create the Web Online webinar
- Get hair done 12th October
- Week 1 website development soc
- Week 2 website development soc
- Week 3 website development soc
- Week 4 website development soc
- Week 5 website development soc
- Week 6 website development soc
- Week 7 website development soc
- Week 8 website development soc
- Week 8 website development soc
- Develop individual visualisation stuff
- Write ebook
- Develop workshop
- Divide Twitter following into lists (or something else useful for tracking. Might be a good idea to actually learn what lists are and do first!)
- Transfer Blogger site to Wordpress and incorporate Weebly site as well
- Join in "Big Draw" and upload by 28/10 - blog about it
- Contemplate Jeff and Kane stuff in the future if I feel I need it
- Check out Easel for prototyping
- Nightly exercise
- Healthy eating plan
- Log fitness progress on Noom daily
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