Sunday, September 23, 2012

Finally, my mojo is back!

I've been in a bit of a creative slump lately.  A logo I'd been working on for a girlfriend just wasn't turning out right, I was falling behind in my course work for my Graphic Design course and was a bit disheartened about ever reaching my goals.  It seems that change has come with the return of the warmer weather!

I gathered my equipment yesterday and instead of working at my desk in my room (which is the warmest room in the house in Winter months), I ventured out to my dining room which has a beautiful bay window overlooking our yard and proceeded to recreate the logo while sitting at our dining table.  With white sage incense burning and birds singing all around ....... Voila!  It worked!

The final draft of the logo is done and I'm about to start work on it this morning.  My girlfriend returns from overseas the week after next and I want it sitting in her inbox, "just so".  Thank you, Muse, for returning inspiration to me - it's amazing what a change of scenery can do.

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